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Tenant Settings


Name of this tenant: This field allows you to give the tenant a descriptive name. The name may contain special characters and spaces and may include upper and lowercase characters. The name will be used by the system when sending emails with call data records for the tenant. This name is independent from the tenant DNS address that is set by the system administrator.

Default dial plan: This dial plan will be used by the tenant, unless accounts have a different dial plan set.

Default IVR language: The IVR language is the language used in audio annoucements (interactive voice response). If set, this settings overrides the system default IVR language. This setting is also available on account level.

Enable sign in with Microsoft: When enabled, users can use their Microsoft account to log into the PBX with their email address. If set, this setting overrides the system setting.

Google sign in client ID: The ID for signing in with Google, see Login with Google.

Google contacts client ID, Google contacts client secret: The ID and secret for the Google address book, see Google Contacts.

Pattern list for setting the IVR language from caller-ID: When determining the language for the audio prompts, the PBX can try to match a list of patterns against the caller-ID for the incoming call and if it matches, set the language accordingly. The format for this list is (space-seperated) "pattern:lang". The pattern is matched against the first digits of the caller-ID, which is first converted into the global format. The language must be one of the installed languages. For example 49:de 33:fr would choose German if the call comes from a number starting with +49xxx.

Tone language: The tone language determined what tones a caller will hear, e.g. the ringback or busy tone.

Default web language: The web language determines what language is used for the web interface. This setting is also used for provisioning VoIP phones.

Music on Hold Source: You can select the default source of music that will be used when a call is put on hold.

Ringback source This setting overrides the system default ringback tone for the tenant.

Ringback when busy This setting overrides the system default ringback tone when busy for the tenant.

Timezone: The system can handle multiple time zones simultaneously, making it possible for users to select a time zone that corresponds with their geographic location. This setting influences the time on mailbox messages and the telephone display.

Default location If there is no location assigned to an extension, this setting will be used.

Country code: This setting determines how phone numbers are processed. Typically the setting is set automatically during installation. Leaving the setting empty will disable processing phone numbers.

Area code: This is the telephone area code for the tenant. This is generally NPA in the NPA-NXX-XXXX number (e.g., 978, 212, etc.). If you put a - there, it means that the area code is explicitly set to null; this is necessary in some countries that don't use 0 as the domestic calling prefix.

Starting characters to be removed from outbound numbers: In some older PBX systems, users had to dial prefix numbers in order to make outbound calls (for example, 9). Even though with modern PBX that pattern is not useful anymore, there are still users that can't dial numbers without such a prefix. Emergency numbers will always be dialed, even if they match a pattern in this setting. The setting may contain a list of patterns which can have two formats:

  • PPP*: This pattern matches an number starting with PPP. The prefix PPP will be removed from the number. For example a pattern of 9* will remove the 9 from the number 99173998147 and dial 9173998147 instead.
  • PPPxxxx: This pattern matches if the rest of the string after PPP has the same length as the xxxx pattern. For example, if the pattern is 9xxx and the user dials 9411, the system would dial 411; if the user dials 911 the pattern would not match because the strings have a different length.

Default ANI Using this setting, you can configure each tenant with a default ANI (Automatic Number Identification). For more information, see Trunk ANI.

Extensions may use star code to change ANI This setting determines weather users in the tenant may use the code for changing the ANI (*59 by default). There are several possibilities for this setting:

  • Cannot change ANI (default): This disables the feature.
  • Only own ANI: Every account may have several ANI. This option will put the selected ANI at the front of the list, essentially making it the primary ANI of the account. This option makes sure that the user cannot take a ANI from another account.
  • Any ANI in this tenant: With this option, the user can assign any ANI that exists in the tenant to the account. This makes it possible to move ANI around in the tenant.
  • Any NANPA ANI: With this option, the user can set up any ANI with 10-digits (NANPA = North American Numbering Plan Association). The SIP trunk provider has to be able to present that number.
  • Enter any ANI: Using this option, the user can assign any number as ANI for the extension. This will again require that the SIP trunk provider will be able to present the number.

Trust caller-ID This setting is used to specify whether the caller-ID should be used to authenticate, rather than asking users to enter their PIN numbers.

Emergency numbers This setting defines which numbers are emergency numbers on the tenant. The numbers are seperated by semicolons. Dialing an emergency number will trigger several actions by the system, including sending out an email to the addresses below.

Emergency call emails The system will send an email to the provided addresses when someone dials an emergency number. The list is seperated by semicolons.

ANI for emergency calls This ANI will be used when a user dials an emergency number unless there is more specific information available on extension level.

ANI for FAX: This ANI will be used when sending a FAX number unless there is more specific information available on extension level.

FAX header text: This text will be used as the text in the header for FAX messages unless there is more specific information available on extension level. If not set, the name of the tenant will be used.

ANI for sending text messages: This ANI will be used when a user starts a text conversation with an outside party unless there is more specific information available on extension level.

Paging account for emergency call notifications: The system will initiate a page to the specified account when someone dials an emergency number.

Audio file for emergency page notifications: The audio file referenced in this setting is used when playing a emergency notification.

Default auto attendant The default auto attendant is used when the system needs an auto attendant number, for example in the virtual private assistant. The setting is also used when there is no routing rule for a trunk and the destiantion cannot be found.

Use last 7 digits when cellphone matching: When this setting is turned on, the system uses only the last 7 digits to identify the cell phone of a user. Enabling this setting is deprecated.

Show extension cell phone numbers to users: If enabled, the system will allows users to see the cell phone numbers of other extensions.

Specify time when system calls the cell phone: This setting defines the time when the system will include extensions cell phones. This setting is also available on account level. The times can be explicitly entered in this setting or reference a service flag.

Address book visibility: The setting defines what address book entries the user will see when accessing the address book.

Include accounts in the phone address book: If this setting is enabled, users will also see account names as part of the address book.

Don't log calls to star codes: When this setting is enabled, calls to star codes (e.g. *97) will not be stored in the call records.

Assign outbound calls to queue: When this setting is turned on, outbound calls of agents that are logged into a queue will be assigned to that queue. Otherwise, the call record will show a call from the extension only.

Send welcome email when an extension is created: If this setting is checked, new users will automatically receive a welcome email.

Include calling teams extensions in queue as queue agents: When this setting is turned on, the system will also call users on Microsoft Teams if they are logged into a call queue. Because Teams does not register like a VoIP phone, this may cause confusion when the agents are not logged into Teams.

Send P-Asserted/P-Preferred Header in calls to extensions: When this setting is turned on, the system will include the header when calling extensions. This is useful in some environments when the extension name should be on the display.

Classroom DND Override: Use this setting to give the admin permissions to over ride the DND set for any classroom extensions.

Classroom DND Control: The service flag can be assigned to this setting, to take effect permissible by time set under different service flags.

Default duration for DND: This setting defines how long users will remain on do-not-disturb, except when they use the app where the value can be set by the user through the interface.

Park reminder: When someone parks a call, there is a risk that this call stays in the park orbit for a long time, without anybody taking care about the caller. The park reminder will call the one who parked the call back after a certain timeout if the call was not picked up by somebody else.

Transfer reminder after: Similar to the park reminder, there is a risk that after a blind transfer the caller ends up with a ringing call, but nobody picking up. The transfer reminder will transfer the call back if the call could not be connected.

Offer camp on: This setting controls weather the system will offer camp on for internal calls. Camp on will automatically initiate a callback to the caller when the callee has become available again.

Attended transfer tone: When turned on, the system will play a short tone after an attended transfer completed.

Ring melody for direct call to extension: This setting defines what ring melody to use when calling an extension directly (e.g. not through a ring group).

Ring melody for call transfer: This setting defines what ring melody to use when calling an extension during a transfer.

Explicitly specify pickup preference: When this setting is available, the system will go through the list to find a call that can be picked up. The list is space-seperated and may contain all sorts of accounts, e.g. extensions, park orbits, ring groups or anything else.

Explicitly specify park orbit preference: When this list is set, it defines the park orbit preference for the account. A * will have the user enter the park orbit through DTMF.

Disconnect the call on these error codes from a forked leg: This setting affects the behavior of the auto attendant and the call of extensions outside of group calls. If the PBX receives an error code that is listed in the space-separated list in this setting, it terminates also all other forked calls to the extension and treats the call as rejected by the user.

Threshold value for rejecting SPAM calls: This number between 0 and 100 determines when a call is considered SPAM in the context of calling the extension. If the value is not set, the value on tenant or system level is used. See SPAM for more details.

SPAM score for anonymous callers: If there is no caller-ID available, the system will use the number in this setting. If the value is not set, the value on tenant or system level is used.

SPAM score for regular address book entries: If set, this will set the SPAM score for regular address book entries.

Default handling of SPAM calls to extensions: This setting controls the treatment of incoming calls; however, it does not affect internal calls or calls from a hunt group or agent group.

  • Default: Uses the setting on tenant level
  • No special treatment: All calls are sent directly to the user's extension.
  • Reject Call: The caller will be informed that the user does not accept anonymous calls and will not be put through to the extension.
  • Pretend to be busy: This setting prevents the call from going through but does not tell the caller why.
  • Ask for name: The caller is prompted for his or her name and then put on hold while the extension is called. After the system reads out the recorded name, the user can decide whether to accept the call, send it to the mailbox, or reject it.
  • Ask for name even if the caller-ID is present: This setting requests the caller's name, even if the caller-ID is available. Only white list callers will be put directly through.

CSTA username, password: In addition to using CSTA on extension level, it can also be used on tenant level for features that don't depend on an extension'. The username and password are used for authentication.

Allow CSTA only from certain addresses: This setting contain a list of space-seperated IP addresses that limits from where tenant-level CSTA requests may originate from.

Call redirection

Incoming calls from a trunk into the tenant can be generally redirected. This takes precedence over the general trunk routing to an account.

  • When service flag is active/not active: The redirection depends on the state of a service flag.

  • Always: The redirection is always active. This setting can be useful when set automatically through an external program.

  • Use call forward all from extension: This condition will use the call forwarding from an extension and use the destination as the target, if set. This is useful when users can set call forward through a VoIP phone without the need to log into the user front end.

Forward destinations: When users set a forwarding destination, this setting serves as a filter to valid destinations. This is useful to prevent entering wrong numbers by mistake or redirecting calls purposely to malicious destinations (e.g. boss or emergency numbers).

  • No restrictions: When this is selected, all numbers are allowed.
  • All numbers that the user can dial: This allows setting all number that are either internal numbers or can be dialed through the dial plan.
  • Only internal numbers: This allows only internal numbers.
  • Only external numbers that the user can dial: This allows only external numbers.
  • Select extensions to show: When this is selected, the user must enter a number from the provided list.
  • Disabled: Users can not set any forward destination unless set on extension level.

Allow call forward to emergency numbers: This setting controls if users are allowed to forward calls to emergency numbers.

From/To Headers

Change names in To/From-headers: Usually it is desired that the system changes the names in the To/From headers in the SIP packets. For example, this makes sense when the address book matches the caller-ID and the system should present the address book entry. However, if the system is used as a SIP device in an operator environment, you may want to make sure that the system does not change headers.

Use extension ANI for DISA: When a user places an outbound call from from his cell phone, the system uses the ANI of the extension and not not the Caller-ID of the cell phone. With this settings this behavior can be changed on tenant level.

Account name display format: This setting controls how names are put together when the first name and the last name needs to be represented in one string.

Label template for busy lamp fields: This setting controls what text will be provisioned on BLF buttons. See the plug and play settings for more information.

Label template for private lines: This setting controls what text will be provisioned on private line buttons. See the plug and play settings for more information.

CDR Settings

CDR URL: The CDR URL field controls where CDRs are written. The system can write CDRs to a CSV file, an email address, a server address, or to a SOAP destination. To populate the CDR URL field, use the syntax shown below. CDRs can be viewed only after they have been collected and organized through an external call accounting application. For more information, see the CDR documentation.

Duration for keeping CDR: This setting defines the length of time CDRs are kept on the file system. The system wide maximum number of CDRs may limit the duration as well.

Duration for keeping recordings: Like the Keep CDR Duration setting, this setting controls how long call recordings are kept for the tenant.

Duration for keep activity logs: This setting defines how long activity logs for the user front end are kept in the tenant.

Delete the call recording files along with the CDRs: When this flag is set, the call recordings are deleted when the corresponding CDR is deleted. Otherwise the call recording records are kept seperate.

Send daily CDR report: The system can send daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly email reports about the activity of the group. For more information see Call Reports.

Include only trunk calls in reports: When this flag is turned on, only calls that involve a trunk are sent out.

Send emails to CDR email address for blacklisted calls: When someone calls into the auto attendant, hunt group, or agent group and is put onto the blacklist, the system will notify the person who receives the CDR report.

Billing Settings

CMC authentication for outbound calls: This setting works in tandem with the C flag located in the dial plan. When the C is checked on a particular trunk in the dial plan, this setting will be used to generate the CMC for the CDR when that trunk is used for an outbound call; otherwise, it will be ignored. This is useful to enforce client matter codes for outbound calls, e.g. when calls are charged by the hours and the client code needs to be present in the CDR for billing purposes.

  • Use address book When this is selected, the CMC will automatically be added if the callee is in the address book. If there is no address book match, there will be no CMC entry.
  • Terminate CMC with pound This mode will ask the caller to enter the CMC and then press the # key.
  • x digits In this mode the caller needs to enter a fixed length CMC code.

Billing Tones: This field allows you to configure whether users will hear a beep during the call when using the pre-pay feature of the system.

  • No tones: The system does not play any tones
  • Beep for every charge unit: The system plays a short beep for every minute which is charged
  • Beep only for last charge unit The system plays a tone only when the last available minute has started

Credit for outbound calls: This setting allows you to place a limit on outbound calling for the entire tenant. Once the extensions as a group have reached the maximum, outbound calls can no longer be placed.

Recording defaults

This section allows you to define tenant-level call recording settings. Recorded calls will be saved in the recordings directory.

Record calls from ring group to extension: When this setting is enabled, calls within a ring group are recorded.

Record calls from call queues to extensions: When this setting is enabled, calls within a call queue are recorded.

Record other calls to extension: When this flag is enabled, other calls which are not part of a ring group or call queue to an extension are recorded.

Record calls from extension to external numbers: When this setting is enabled, calls from an extension to an external number are recorded.

Record calls from extension to emergency numbers: When this setting is enabled, calls from an extension to an emergency number are recorded.

Record other calls from extension: When this setting is enabled, other calls from an extension are recorded.

Play a message before start recording: When this setting is turned on, the PBX will play a message when recording has started. This is to tell the involved parties that recording is in progress.

Recording customer ID and Recording site ID: These settings can be referenced in the file names, so that each tenant can have a unique identifier. This is important when using external tools that process the recording files.

Email Settings

These settigs override the general email settings when the tenant mode was selected. See Email Setup for more information.

Midnight Events

At midnight, the system can perform several maintenance tasks, including the generation and sending of CDR reports.

Reset DND Flags: When this has been enabled, the system resets all DND flags on the tenant each day at midnight. This will prevent missed calls when users forget to turn their DND flags off.

Reset Hot Desking: FUse this setting if you want the system to reset hot desking each day at midnight.

Reset Block CID: This setting will reset the blocking of the caller-ID at midnight.

Reboot phones: This setting will trigger a reboot of VoIP phones at midnight for those models that support it. Some vendors require a reboot every day to enable stable operations.

Logout agents from all queues: When this setting is enabled, all agents will be logged out of all call queues each day at midnight.

Provisioning Parameters

When the system automatically generates files for the configuration of extensions, it needs a few settings from the tenant.

Default PnP Dialplan Scheme: This setting allows you to set auto-dial and configure timeout-based dialing for VoIP phones that support this kind of dialing. These settings are used by the phone and not the system . The scheme setting allows you to tell the system how many numbers your extensions contain (either 2, 3, or 4 digits). This will initiate automatic dialing once the required number of digits has been entered. If your extensions are all 3 digits long and include only digits 2 through 7, you should choose 3-digit extensions [2-7]xx. Then if a user dials 201, the system will identify that an extension has been dialed and will not wait for more digits. If NA is set and the country code 1 is used, then anytime someone dials 1, the system will know to dial that country. For this reason, extensions should not begin with a 1.

User must press enter: When this scheme is selected, the user of the extension will be required to press the confirm button on the phone before the dialing will begin. This behavior is similar to cell phones, where users are required to press the green send button. This scheme can prevent problems because it is difficult to predict how many digits the phone must collect before it has enough digits for a complete number.


Most users today know how to dial a number on the cell phone. It is usually easier to tell users to just dial the number (without any prefix) and then press the "enter" key on the phone. This will avoid all complications with the numbering of extensions and possible overlaps.

When the user is located in the North America area ( ), the length of the number is predictable for national calls and calls of other extensions. However, calls to international destinations or star codes are difficult to predict, so users will be required to press the confirm button to start the call.

For other countries, the "Europe" scheme might be appropriate. As with the rest of the world outside of NANPA, the length of a telephone number is practically unpredictable and users will be required to press the confirm button to start the call. The "Europe" scheme will dial automatically only if the destination is another extension.


In the event you want to exclude numbers higher than 5 from the default of [2-7]xx so that users will not be required to enter a 1 when dialing local numbers beginning with 604 or 778, you need to replace [2-7] with [2-5] in the file named snom_3xx_dialplan_usa3.xml (assuming you are using a snom phone).

Authentication User/Password: When provisioning phones, the PBX will put the username and password into the VoIP phones. The administrator will then be able to log in to those phones, typically into the web interface.

Authentication PIN: Some device like Snom VoIP phones require an additional secret to get into the administrator mode. This is the "PIN" which, like the password, is set randomly during installation and can be changed later.

Random password and PIN

By default, the system assigns a random password and PIN to the tenant. This password and PIN can be made visible by clicking on the eye symbol. As soon as the administrator has assigned a password or PIN, the eye symbol will not appear any more for security reasons.

Changing the password

In many cases there is no need to log into a VoIP phone and consequently, there is no need to choose a password. Instead of making local changes on the phones, change a parameter for the template and reprovision the phone.

Proposed SIP transport protocol: In some cases, there is a need to change the default transport protool for VoIP phons for the tenant. This can be done with this setting. However it is recommended to leave this with the default, so that the optimum transport layer can be chosen by the provisioning template.

Outbound proxy pattern: Using this pattern, the outbound proxy that is provisioned into the phones can be controlled. For more information on this subject, see Outbound Proxy.

In most cases administrators overlook this setting but it should be the 1st setting you configure on the system if you plan to plug and play snom devices so that you can enter your phone's web interface.